First Time Clubbing Tips & Truths for Party Girls (Top Do’s and Dont’s)

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To be clear, I’m talking about a club where there’s a dance floor, a DJ, an in-house bar, and a crowd looking for a night of dancing as well as a good time — a.k.a. a nightclub. (First Time Clubbing Tips)

Now, I’m not what you would call a ‘party animal’, but I often go out with new and old friends alike to nightclubs. Because of this, I often get messages not only from friends but even from strangers who ask about what they should do, what they should wear, what they should drink, what they should know about the nightlife, etc.

Evidently, they were first-timers and all of their questions warrant carefully thought answers. But recently, the questions have been increasing; so that’s when I thought… why don’t I just make a compilation of first time clubbing tips? And so, with my years of experience and learnings, here it is!

First things first: this article is obviously catered for the girls. I wouldn’t dare give tips to guys because clearly… I’m not one! Besides, I know they know what they’re doing and what their A-game is for the night… But of course, some tips here still apply to males!

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So if it’s your first time to hit the club with your girl gang — or even if it’s your first time partying in quite a while — here are the top first time clubbing tips that you MUST take note of!

Before the Party

Before the Party: First Time Clubbing Tips

I’m going to view the situation as though you and your girls just suddenly decided to go partying at a club — so yes, this isn’t about a private party at a club with your friends, because that setting is different from the actual club scene that’s full of strangers (but some of the first time clubbing tips below can still apply).

  1. Bring at least one trusted friend a.k.a. your buddy for the night!
    This is important, especially if it’s your first time clubbing. After all, the two of you will be watching each other’s back throughout the night; but of course, it’s also a given that you should watch out for yourself.
    • Do also inform another person (who is not going clubbing with you) about your whereabouts for the night.
  2. Get into a ‘guest list’.
    A “guest list” is a special promotion that clubs usually offer and it often provides benefits to those who have signed up for it — it can be for free entry (in most cases especially if you’re a girl), discounts, or even free drinks. This is usually separate from general admission and though it does NOT guarantee entry, it can already grant you skip-the-line privileges.
    • How to find these guest lists? Apart from being connected with the right people or club promoters, a simple Google or social media search can lead you to a club’s guest list. You can also just call the club or your hotel concierge for details. Once you do get to sign up for one, please be mindful of their requirements (e.g. the dress code, early arrival, etc.)
  3. Reserve a table — or not. Either is fine.
    If you’ve got the money to spare, if you love your feet, and if there are a lot of you in your girl gang, then yes, get one (sometimes, a club offers promo packages for big groups). But if there isn’t a lot of you and you’re just there to dance (especially since you’ve already done ‘pre-drinks’ — more on this later) then there’s no need for a table. In fact, as the night goes on, you might meet new people who will invite you to their table!
    • Take note though that reserving a table comes at a premium price and most clubs would require you to order drinks or liquor bottles for a set minimum amount. Most of these will seem overpriced but sometimes, if there are a lot of you in the group, the total cost can be economical.
  4. Dress smart.
    In today’s time, we’re all so fashion-conscious so I’m sure you know what you should wear and what you should not at a party. Though if I may note, you might be tempted to wear those killer high heels to complete your outfit — but do also think about whether you can handle it after a night of full-on dancing. In fact, some people would opt for flats if not sneakers; however, take note of the club’s dress code since if it’s a high-end one, sneakers won’t make the cut.
    • Most clubs will have a page on their website stating the dress code. Usually, the number 1 rule is for both males and females to NOT wear slippers… but hey, who the heck would even think of wearing such to a club? (Unless it’s a beach nightclub.)
    • Your best bet is to wear a dress, paired with low heels or wedges, if not flats. Even better if it’s a pair that you last longest with.
  5. Apply the right make-up.
    As the night goes on, you will most likely be sweating from dancing and the nightclub will even be super packed! One of my top first time clubbing tips? If you can’t go with a bare face, then try to use waterproof makeup or basically any makeup that can last long.
  6. Pack only the essentials.
    • ID: Don’t even think of leaving your ID because it’s going to be a hassle. There are times when they’ll still let you in — after lots of embarrassing pleading, drama-making, and money giving — but it’s best to avoid that. And if you’re not 18 yet, please just… don’t go. I know that some of you might be tempted to get a fake ID but I advise you against it.
    • Credit or Debit Cards: You do not want to fumble with cash paper or coins while you’re in a nightclub.
    • Phone: Some first-timers have asked me if they can bring their DSLR cameras to the club and unless it’s warranted, I advise you not to. After all, most clubs don’t allow those in, and you can’t really leave it anywhere. Plus, are you really planning on being the cameraman of your friends for the remainder of the night? Go and have some fun too!
    • Few toiletries: Don’t bring all of your makeup gear! Just pack the essentials when you need to touch up like eyeliner, lipstick, and oil blotting paper. Try to also bring a small pack of tissues because those tend to run out in club toilets.
    • Other essentials: Don’t forget your house keys! And if your purse can handle it, consider packing a portable charger in case your phone battery starts to run low and you need to book a ride home or contact someone.
    • Purse: Pack a small and secure purse that you can strap to your body.
  7. Set a regroup time and location.
    As early as now, set a time and location for you and your friend(s) to regroup when it’s time to leave the club. Besides, there is a high chance that you will lose each other amidst the throng of people, and calling one another might prove to be futile because of how loud the scene can be.
  8. Set signals.
    Try to establish a certain signal that you and your friend(s) can use as a sign to say, for instance, that you need help getting away from a guy while dancing so that they can swoop in and rescue you, etc.
  9. Do pregaming.
    Also known as predrinking or preloading, this is the act of drinking prior to going out. This is highly advised especially if you don’t want to spend money on expensive club drinks — but of course, this doesn’t mean that you should already go all out and get wasted. If you really want to drink for the night, drink only a few glasses (or a glass if you’re a lightweight). Basically, just enough to get you a tiny bit tipsy.
    • IMPORTANT: Do NOT drink on an empty stomach. It’s said that the greasier your meal is, the better it will help you manage your liquor because it will line your stomach with fat, thus slowing down the rate of alcohol absorption.
    • Sometimes, my friends and I listen to party music beforehand so when we arrive at the nightclub, we’re all so ready to just storm in and get it on! This part, the anticipation for the partying, is half the fun!
  10. Relax.
    Sure, there might be some shady individuals in that club who are looking into taking advantage of you (you’ll never know), but you can and always take control of the situation as long as you’re mindful. So don’t get too nervous, it’s just a fun place like any other — but don’t expect too much either. Clubs really are just loud places that are crowded and hot. Most of the time, the music would suck too. So aside from imagining that you’re actually going to have fun there, you should also lower your expectations.
    • But in my case, I think the ‘loud and crowded’ part is another fun thing about clubs. You can really see that everyone is on the same level as you and are just looking for a good time in such an environment.
  11. Don’t drive.
    One of the most important first time clubbing tips.
    • The best option is to have someone else drop and fetch you at the venue, and this ‘someone’ must NOT be with you at that party. Why? Because by the end of the night, all of you are going to range from tipsy or wasted, to knocked out.
    • Otherwise, consider using car apps like Uber or Grab.

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During the Party

Party Tips at Club: First Timers

So you and your gals are in the nightclub — now what?

  1. Don’t let your companions kill your vibe.
    The make or break of the club experience is being with the right crowd, and this won’t always be within your control. Most of the time, you’ll have those friends who are not ‘game‘ and they could potentially ruin everyone’s night or the experience overall. So I advise that you just let it be, and have fun with yourself or with your buddy-of-the-night. “Happiness is a choice”. And it really is. So you either do something to find it or be the reason for it in order to make your clubbing experience worthwhile!
  2. Act like it’s not your first time.
    If not, you can be an easy target for people who are looking to take advantage of first-timers like you. Here are some things that you should know…
    • It depends per club but most of them will stamp your hand when you’re about to enter. Sometimes, that stamp will be invisible and can only be seen with a black light.
    • If you’re gonna order a drink, don’t ask for the menu and then ponder over it for minutes as if you’re in a diner. Just quip the first cocktail you have in mind and then be gone with it. Speaking of which…
  3. Order a drink.
    Take note of how it’s in the singular form. While I’m at it, it’s best if you order something that’s non-alcoholic (for example: a mocktail). Boring, I know, but it’s your first time. Best if you don’t push it.
    • So why only one drink? Drinks in the club can be super expensive (this is why I mentioned doing predrinks before this). But if you really want to drink, consider the fact that sometimes it’s the guys who’d buy some for you as the night goes on (but on the other hand, don’t let them buy it for you unless you know what you’re about to get into.)
    • When ordering, don’t order martinis because they’re served in a cocktail glass that’s prone to spilling everywhere. Opt for something like a vodka tonic, gin tonic, mojito, or rum cola that’s typically served in a glass cup. When you choose from one of these, stick to it — do NOT mix different types of alcohol in your body because it will leave you with a nastier hangover.
    • Be wary of tequila shots because those can make you intoxicated and dizzy far too quickly!
  4. Stay sober for as much as you could.
    I’m stressing this for your own good: STAY SOBER or don’t drink at all. No one would really notice that you’re NOT drinking if you keep yourself occupied with the dance floor. But I know you’re bound to get carried away given all the hype that could happen, so at the very least, keep this in mind: a lady with class always knows how to handle her liquor — and you need to handle yours especially since this is your first time!
    • Besides, it’s more fun to be the sanest among your friends! By the end of the night, you can watch and laugh to your heart’s content while all of them get wasted. You can even take the honor of documenting their fiasco! Kidding aside, this is primarily for safety reasons.
    • Staying sober is not a chore; don’t be a babysitter. I know I did say that you must have your buddy-of-the-night, but don’t get all serious and make it like some sort of heavenly obligation to keep tabs on their alcohol consumption all throughout the night. (This applies to your other companions too.) It’s not your grand and sole problem if your friends can’t handle their sh*t together, but you’re just there to act as support just in case.
    • Don’t go on a drinking contest especially if it’s against guys. After all, alcohol hits women faster than men given our size and body composition.
  5. Keep an eye out for your drink.
    It’s a no-brainer that drugs are not allowed inside the club, but trust me on this one: there are people who can STILL smuggle those goodies in. I know this because I’ve seen it happen time and time again. That’s why it’s one of the smartest first time clubbing tips to remember to always keep an eye out even when the bartender is mixing your drink.
    • Sometimes, if I’d realize that I left my drink in a spot, I’d just leave it there. Even if that drink was expensive, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
  6. Bring an attitude that embodies fun. Let loose. Don’t be a wallflower.
    Don’t just stand there like a log on your spot. If you’re ever in doubt about what to do next… just dance! Give in to the atmosphere because most probably, the only one that would be stopping you from having an awesome time is yourself.
  7. …But don’t overdo it.
    Always mind your manners at all times. Don’t be one of those girls who take off their shoes or heels WHILE in the club. It’s off-putting and rude.
  8. Mind your belongings.
    Self-explanatory. No matter how fancy the place is, there can be petty thieves in there, so take note of these first time clubbing tips.
    • Some clubs might offer a bag service so check if they have one.
  9. Don’t stay in one spot.
    Go around with your buddy-for-the-night. Meet some new people. Strike up a conversation. They’re turning out to be a not-so-good bunch? Move on to the next people then. Or better yet, just stay with your crowd and have fun — but still move around.
    • TIP: If you want a guy to approach you, don’t huddle in with your girl friends. The number one thing that scares guys away is a group of girls that are so tightly-knit as if they’re forming a congregation in the middle of the club. This is why I keep stressing ‘buddy-of-the-night’, because partying in ‘twos’ is more effective if you’re trying to catch an eye of a guy. And when you do catch a guy’s attention, make eye contact, and smile — try not to shy away too fast.
  10. There are no rules in dancing, just move it as you want it.
    Not a lot of people would pay attention to what moves you pull anyway. But don’t do anything flashy; it will look awkward and out of place.
    • If you want a basic move to start with, just slightly raise your hands and sway your hips from side to side. Better yet, hop on to YouTube and look at some videos.
  11. Keep your cool.
    Don’t start a fight out of anywhere. People will step on your toes, or they might even spill their drink on you at some point. Those are all accidents. It happens. So, chill. But if the b*tch did it on purpose, be a classy b*tch in return and do your revenge subtly, haha.
  12. Say NO when it’s really a ‘no’.
    In a nice way. You wouldn’t want to upset guys who are intoxicated, would you? Even if they’re practically summoning the monster inside of you given their nasty demeanor, stay polite for as much as possible (or call a bouncer to deal with them). It’s not good to piss off other girls in the first place, so it’s going to be mental of you to try and piss off guys.
  13. But try to say YES too.
    You can do this provided that you’re sober and are still thinking clearly. But it’s also okay to let your judgment cloud your mind a little: go in for that kiss, tear up that dance floor, or do whatever! Take risks; these are the ridiculous things that would make up for good stories. Be a little more daring too, like, why not take the initiative? Go and talk to that cute guy or girl. What do you have to lose anyway? And like I said, better if you do it sober because you’ll be doing it classier. “An aggressive drunk is pathetic, but an aggressive sober girl is definitely something else.”
  14. Be careful when giving personal information.
    Self-explanatory. Don’t just give everything away.
  15. Be wary when a guy asks if the both of you could “get out of there”.
    So a hot guy approached you. The two of you get to shout talk to each other, and things start to go well and smoothly. The both of you even started making out …when suddenly, he leans in to say the line: “You want to get out of here?” Now, remember, if they say such a thing, it’s an invitation to a more heated action, and it might even lead to actually leaving the place in order to get to his apartment/house. This isn’t a good idea. Turn them down politely.
    • Oh, but what did you say? You’re up for it? Then okay… But stay in crowded areas with the guy.
    • But you really want to leave with him? Then first, ask where the two of you are heading and let your friends know. Better yet, book an Uber or Grab and share the ride with your friends. (But seriously… don’t take your chances on this one. It’s your first time clubbing. It’s not a good idea to get so liberated all of a sudden. Don’t get carried away too fast.)
  16. Be careful when going to the restroom.
    …because it will transform into an ugly and horrifying place. By the end of the night, it can be full of piss and vomit — and I’m not even kidding about this one. So be careful when you walk in. I’ve had several friends who would often trip and get drenched in vomit in there… icky, I know.
    • Try to always go to the restroom with your gal friend, especially when you’re feeling tipsy.

– – –

After the Party

After Party Tips : Hangover Girls
  1. Be safe. Keep safe.
    In all aspects.
  2. A repeat reminder: do NOT drive.
    Call your designated driver or book that rideshare Uber/Grab ride.
  3. Don’t expect anything more from any guy that you might have met that night.
    They’ve said romantic things to you, they were so sweet and the night totally became magical because of them. Good for you, missy. You got it going! Give yourself a pat on the back. But you know what? Let me tell you this: that was mostly done in an effort to woo you into kissing them or even into leaving with them. Dear, it’s the club scene. The guys are in there for the same reason why you wanted to be there too: to have a good time. Their intentions are just often a bit more advanced than your concept of a ‘good time’ (unless of course, it is what you were after too). Of course, there are cases where good relationships have flourished from chance meetings in places like nightclubs. But they’re very rare. So just… be careful. Most people don’t meet their prince charming in clubs (…or do they?).
  4. Manage your hangover the next day.
    I did say in this first time clubbing tips article that you should try to stay sober for as much as you can, but chances are, you still ended up wasted at the end of the night and now you’re here trying to wade through regret and a painful headache. It can take hours for that hangover to subside, but here are some tips to help you recover faster:
    • Drink a LOT of water before heading to bed.
    • Drink a LOT of water after you wake up. Stock up on isotonic drinks too like Gatorade or Pocari Sweat to help replace sugars and salt in your body, as well as rehydrate you.
    • Take a cold shower. It will help you feel a bit more refreshed.
    • EAT. I know it might be the last thing you want to do now that you feel like sh*t, but it’s important for your recovery. If you can’t down a meal, try to eat some toast, bagels, crackers, or even a banana.
    • If you’re going out for the day, don’t forget to wear some sunglasses. When you’re suffering from a hangover, you’re hypersensitive to bright lights so this will help manage that.
    • Pop an aspirin to manage your headache. Avoid acetaminophen such as Tylenol as well as ibuprofen because these don’t mix well with alcohol and can even cause irritation to your stomach and liver.

• • •

First Time Clubbing Tips


If the night ended very well for you that you can’t seem to get the words ‘epic‘ or ‘awesome‘ out of your system, then hooray for you!

I’m glad to know that you had fun and that these first time clubbing tips have helped.

On the other hand… if you ended the night on a bad note and you felt like you had a sh*tty time, then I’m sorry to hear that. Clubbing may not be for you or maybe, you just weren’t with the right crowd.

But hey, if it sucked because there weren’t any guys who paid much attention to you, then please… let’s roll back to what I said in the earlier part of this entry: do NOT expect. Don’t go to a club anticipating that men will prowl over you like wolves. If ‘getting a guy’ is your sole reason for going to clubs, then you’ve got it all wrong.

So don’t be afraid to try partying again, okay? It’s better to enjoy it while we’re still young and able to. Besides, as we age on, the magic of clubbing will or most probably rub off (I mean, at this point in my life, it has already rubbed off on me!).

Now, there you have it with these first time clubbing tips. I hope this post of first time clubbing tips has helped. If you gals got more to add or if you have something to say, then fire away at the comments box below. I’d really appreciate it if we could throw back ideas about this. Party up, people!

• • •

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At 21, I quit my corporate job in the Philippines to pursue my dreams. Today, I am a successful digital nomad (online entrepreneur, travel writer, & vlogger) living a sustainable travel lifestyle.

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  1. Michelle Catapang

    A first time night clubber will love to read this one. Thank you:)

  2. Joar

    Aileen Adalid’s tips are spot-on! Every party girl stepping into the clubbing scene should read this. From outfit choices to safety precautions, it’s a goldmine of advice for a memorable and secure nightlife experience. A must-read!

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