All About YOU: Letters from My Readers / Volume 5

by All About You13 comments

It’s been a while since I last posted this ‘All About You’ series… well actually, who am I kidding, it’s been a YEAR! Wow. It’s a bit embarrassing but it has been really hard for me to stick with some of the plans I had for this blog because this 2017 has just been SO hectic — in a really good way!

Anyhow, I decided that I’ll give this a ‘hurrah‘ before the year ends because of course, I always want to take some time and express just how thankful I am for each and everyone of you. After all, there’s no doubt that your undying support helps keep me going so this is but just some of the many ways that I can express this gratitude by featuring some of you!

…Do you want to publicize your story too in this ‘All About You’ series? If you have ever been inspired by a destination, hotel, activity, or trip that I wrote about, AND/OR if you have ever been inspired to travel or do anything because of my blog articles — come send me a message here along with a high-res landscape photo of yourself and a brief note regarding your journey or situation, and I would absolutely LOVE to include your story in this series!

With that said and done, here are my 5 favorite letters for this month!

All About You: Letters from my Readers

» Sonal: A letter and photo from India

All About You: Drifter Planet

You give me hope and inspiration, Aileen!

I hold a third world passport just like you and I have faced difficult scenarios with paperwork for my US and Schengen Visa. I visit your website at least once a week for inspiration as I am planning to quit my job to travel for a few months in Europe for summer music festivals.

I hope I’m able to make it work – just like you did. I love how your posts are detailed and provide information about everything a person needs to know without any ambiguity. Keep doing what you do!

Sonal is a hippie travel blogger from India. She blogs about the madness of her journey on Drifter Planet with her husband – Sandro from Germany who she met in a music festival in Thailand.

» Rosette: A letter and photo from the USA

Zen Savvy Momma

When I read the BBC article about you (thanks to my friend Katie for posting on her FB wall)….I said, “Finally, someone wrote about this!”

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain

My husband and I have heard family and friends saying:

I will travel… If I have the money… If I am already retired… If I have enough vacation leave… IF….

The list goes on… We fear that day when we are in the twilight of our lives and say, “We should have traveled more.” So these three lessons we would want our daughter, Elise to learn: to gather moments rather than material things, to continue to make memories every day, and to live life to the fullest without regrets.

Thank you for sharing your story — you solidified our plan of mini retirements and make the world our playground.  Cheers!

Rosette is originally from the Philippines. You can find more about her and her family’s adventures over at

» Isabel Leong: A letter and photo from Singapore

Bel Around the World

Aileen was the one that got me kickstarted on investing in a blog professionally after a long time of hesitation.

Her article on how to start a blog provided a step-by-step guide on setting up a blog, and I cannot begin to describe what a tremendous help that has been. While there are many similar articles found in various other blogs, what gave me the inspiration to start a blog was her beautiful site layout. Everything, from the color theme to the brand logo, is designed in such an aesthetically pleasing way, that one cannot help but wander deeper into her blog.

She was also the one that introduced the Facebook blogging community to me, and it was this empowering community that emboldened me to start a blog. As someone who is just starting out, the fear of helplessness and failure is oftentimes discouraging. Yet she selflessly and very generously provided the help and information that I needed, without expecting anything in return.

Her expertise really shows and her blog posts are not only professional, but also value-adding, which makes readers hooked on reading her blog!

Isabel is originally from Singapore. You can find more about her over at

» Franchezca Hillary: A letter and photo from somewhere in Asia

I always had my head wrapped around the idea of finishing my studies, get a job, and start traveling. But a travel bug doesn’t choose a certain age to be its victim and I am happily bitten by it.

I’ve always wanted to travel. I’ve always wanted to see, discover, explore, experience what traveling has to offer. I’m always circling around my curiosity and taken aback for doing it because I’m young, student, still dependent on my parents, so how am I supposed to afford this kind of lifestyle?

I asked for Ate Aileen’s thoughts about this and seek suggestions and I ended up pursuing what I love!

I started to pack my stuff and go! That’s when I realized, age, money, good timing is not the problem, it is about you’re courage to do something you love, to chase for it. A head that is full of dreams has no place for fears! So for young bloods, students, teenagers out there who have the same passion as me, stop overthinking at 2 am facing your ceiling if you should go out or not! Age and money won’t stop you from doing what you want. Get a pair of sneakers and run! The world has so much to offer and it will change the way how you think!

Franchezca is originally from the Philippines.

» Edison Brian Rivera: A letter and photo from India

Edison Brian Rivera

It has also been my dream to put up my own travel website. I have been traveling in the Philippines and around the world since 2008 and I think it is about time for me to share my travel stories.

I searched Google for how to put up a travel blog that eventually led me to your post on how to start a travel blog. From there on, I became one of your avid readers. I really enjoyed reading the articles on your website mainly because I can relate so much to them. I am currently writing my travel stories and hopefully launch my travel blog in the next few months. I’d like to personally thank you for inspiring me and a lot of people to pursue their dreams and to go see the world’s wonders.

Edison is originally from the Philippines.

» Send me your letters!

This goes without saying but I DO love reading your letters — I love it so much that I want to share it with the rest of the world (hence the reason for why this series was born)! After all, it always brings me joy to learn more about you guys.

So again…

  • If you have ever been inspired by a destination, hotel, activity, or trip that I wrote about; and/or,
  • If you have ever been inspired to travel or do just about anything because of my blog articles

…come send me a message along with a high-res landscape photo of yourself and a brief note about your journey or situation.

I would absolutely LOVE to include your piece in this series and tell your story. I look forward to your emails!

• • •

Have you seen my latest vlog?

How I Afford to Travel the World (Vlog)
TAGS: Readers

About Me

About Aileen : Sidebar

Hey there! I am Aileen Adalid.
At 21, I quit my corporate job in the Philippines to pursue my dreams. Today, I am a successful digital nomad (online entrepreneur, travel writer, & vlogger) living a sustainable travel lifestyle.

My mission? To show you how it is absolutely possible to create a life of travel no matter the odds — and I will help you achieve that through my detailed travel hacks, guides, resources, tips, and MORE!

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  1. Explo

    This is really exceptional

    • Aileen

      Glad you like it!


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